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Behold the Face of the Jewish King Messiah

"Prince of Peace" divinely-inspired painting by Akiane Kramarik (Age 8)

Meet My Loving Dad & Best Friend

I believe this is He.. My Dad, My Best Friend, My Redeemer, My Savior, My God.. The Prince of Peace, The King of Righteousness.. The Holy One of ISRAEL.. God & Savior of ALL.. The Everlasting King of kings & Lord of lords. I know from my God-given heart, this is my Dad.. Jesus.. YahuShua.. the Face of the Invisible God.. YHWH.. YaHuWaH.. All other depicted images/pictures/paintings of ‘crucified/yellow-golden long-haired Jesus’ is not Yeshua/YahuShua.. All are just vain imaginations inspired by the spirits of the antichrist, the lawless fallen ones.

** Edited: February 2012 ** “When I was four years old I had a vision of helping the whole world and that is just one the things that I’m going to do. I’m going to try to help the whole world, poor children around the world, homeless children, and things like that.” ~Akiane (age 10) “..Most of my open visions and dreams faded..” (December 2011)

“When I was four years old, suddenly I started experiencing vivid impressions about different dimensions and a great desire to express them through art..” At eight-years-old, Akiane decided she wanted to paint the face of Jesus, based on the visions she received.  Akiane’s discovery of God seems remarkably personal. “Since nobody told me who God was, I found God myself. He’s been there for me through the years.  I don’t belong to any denomination or religion. I belong to God.”

To eliminate any confusion, however, Jesus is first in her mind.  He is the only way to God — the only way to heaven and joy,” she states. “My personal views on Jesus have only matured and deepened since age 4.  As I grow I see how vast and unlimited His love is.” Jesus remains my highest authority, love, and God, she adds. “I pray every day that people will one day follow Jesus, His teachings and feel His love.”

As Akiane gets older, some of the early dreams and visions have begun to fade in her memory. “Although I have forgotten most of my early heavenly contacts, my recent visions continue in a special way,” she says. “I alone know how important Jesus is for me. Instead of writing it is best for me to express (this) through my personal connection — art. I portray Jesus how I see him, as human and as divine. “My art is only a representation of what I see — Jesus’ glory is beyond any description! (January 2012)

I. Very Different & Far From the Catholic Jesus

False "Jesus" No.1

Depiction of Jesus

The depiction of Jesus in art took several centuries to reach a conventional standardized form for his physical appearance, which has subsequently remained largely stable since that time. Most images of Jesus have in common a number of traits which are now almost universally associated with Jesus, although variants are seen.

The image of a fully bearded Jesus with long hair did not become established until the 6th century in Eastern Christianity, and much later in the West. Earlier images were much more varied. Images of Jesus tend to show ethnic characteristics similar to those of the culture in which the image has been created. – Wikipedia

Stop Worshiping These False Jesus

This is NOT the Real Jesus/Yeshua/YahuShua..


Identity Fraud & Credit Theft


The “Christ” Rome forged together, was never intended to be the real Christ of the New Testament to begin with.  In fact, Rome went to great lengths after creating this false Roman Christ, to make sure that remnants of the Real Christ did not “get in the way”.  Remnants that included his own blood family, and even the writings int he New Testament itself.

During the age, when governments created and ran religions, as a way to manipulate the psychology of their empires, the Roman Christ was forged with bits and pieces of symbolism from every part of the empire.  The religion was not “Christianity” or “Judaism” or even something from the “New Testament”, it was called ROMAN UNIVERSALISM (Latin “Catholic”).  Roman Universalism was about Rome from the beginning, everyone and everything else, were simply tools to be used toward that end, including the Jewish Messiah figure found in the New Testament. – ChristmasIsALIE

II. The Face of the False Messiah

The depicted image of “Jesus” is vainly inspired by the demons (fallen angels) for the greatest & final act of deception.


The man in this video, Timothy an end-time dreamer, had a dream where many people vainly believed & followed a fake Jesus. He is just one among many others who dreamt of people being deceived by the false messiah.

Cosmic Christ Jesus UFOs & Space Brothers

Open your mind & see with greater eyes in different aspects of life. For bible-enclosed scholars & skeptic ignorant people, they will just shun the idea of ‘aliens/ufos’ not knowing that this would play a greater role in the last days. God’s secrets & mysteries are kept & sealed until the time has come that it has to be revealed in His servants, the prophets & all His children, who hear His voice for they have His Spirit living inside them.

Many people ‘new age’ ‘spiritual consciousness’ believers would rather accept & welcome ‘Alien/UFOs/Fallen Angels’ rather than believing in the Holy One who died, was buried, is risen & alive in heaven. It is sad how many would follow these fallen angels in everlasting chains of darkness, the second death; when FAITH in YahuShua will lead them to everlasting life — immortality.


It is far more serious than you think.

For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way. And then that wicked one shall be revealed (whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the sword of his mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming)whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2

More interesting facts: Christmas is a LIE
(Please pray & ask for discernment, wisdom & understanding from above.)

III. Behold, the face of The King Messiah

The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, While Watching a TV Special About the Shroud of Turin – I was watching a Shroud of Turin special on TV, where they recreated Jesus’ face from the information embedded in the shroud, and I heard The Lord say, “That, which is beyond human understanding, points to only One”. And when they showed His face, The Lord’s presence came upon me strongly, and He said, “Behold My face”. 


From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy During an On-Line Conversation, For Trent and Jason, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear… Regarding the Image of Christ’s face on the Shroud of Turin and The Prophet’s Reward Behold My Face

[YahuShua] It is I… And that, which I left, was left for those who seek My face, yet have the mind of My servant, Thomas, so they may believe.


[Trent] Can I use the quote?

[YahuShua] Trent, you may use My words, for they are true, says The Lord… Even all, of which I have spoken this night, for the time has fully come… Even as it has come for My servants also. Yet I tell you plainly, many will not believe you, for them it is not yet given… Therefore, they will not receive. You have received, therefore you will go for Me.

Look upon My face, My sons, for it is as it was…
And the day is at hand, when you shall truly behold My face,

For My glory shall be revealed, and in you shall I come to dwell.

[Jason]We love You, Lord!

[YahuShua] And I, you. Therefore, hold fast to My love, even as I hold fast to you. The day has come… And that which shall be manifest, in this season, shall be done… Even very quickly now. Spring is here! Says The Lord… The One who is, and was, and is now come. Amen.

My sons, I have filled your hearts with gladness this night, yet I tell you the truth: The day is upon you, where this prophet shall no more prophesy to you, nor shall there be a need for him to deliver My words to you… For I shall come and dwell fully in him, even as I shall come and dwell fully in you. And that, which he hears, shall also be heard by you. This is why I said, “Is there not two prophets with you at your table?… Yea, I tell you, more than two.”

[Trent] To You be all glory!

[YahuShua] Amen, I say to you. The glory is indeed Mine, even as The Father is glorified through Me… And that same glory, which is in Me, shall come also to dwell in you… And by this shall My name be glorified in all the earth.

Prepare My way before Me!

Volume 6: Behold My Face (04.03.10)

IV. Art Inspired by God

Akiane Kramarik, a young artist who was inspired by visions from God to paint from the age of just 4 years old. A brilliant young mind using her gift to inspire people. Praise God!

"Prince of Peace" (Age 8)

“It all started when I was four- years-old,” says Akiane, “Then one day I had dream, a vision of God, and I started talking with Him. He started telling me the future and future events.”

"Father Forgive Them" (Age 9)

She does not really know exactly what led her to start painting. “When God gave me that vision that night, at midnight, I woke up and there was a pencil and paper at my desk, and I just picked it up and started drawing. I think it just came out when I saw that paper and pencil. It just came right out of me.”

Since she was only four when all this happened and living in a family where God was not named, Akiane’s parents did not believe her at first when she told them of her experience. “Then I started telling them about their future, and when it did happen they got really surprised. Slowly, little by little, they started believing me, and they encouraged me.”

The inspiration for her paintings comes from the people she meets, things she sees, nature and God. “I think I do it for Him, for God, because He gave me this gift, and the only thing I can give back to Him is the work, the paintings. I think all my paintings are to Him.” Source: Cornerstone

How God taught Akiane to Paint

“I can’t remember all my visions, so I need to paint them as soon as I am awake. “I am self-taught. In other words, God is my teacher. I pray and wait for an answer in pictures, words or ideas. When I have a picture in my mind, then I think for a while how I can put it on the canvas.”

“One day when she was four, Akiane started telling me of dreams she was having about God,” explains Forelli. “It wasn’t just the usual babbling you’d expect from a child, but very intense. Akiane used words beyond her age and the way she described her dreams and visions left us open-mouthed. “We couldn’t understand where she was getting this information from. We didn’t attend church or read the Bible, nor did our friends. God was an irrelevance to our lives.”

Soon Akiane was writing poems and stories, then she searched the house looking for paint to draw. When she couldn‘t find paper, she became so desperate she unscrewed the back of a bookcase to use as a canvas. “I needed to paint, it was something deep inside me,” she adds. “One morning, God showed me where He lived. I was climbing transparent stairs. Underneath, I saw gushing waterfalls and as I approached Him, His body was pure and intense light. “What impressed me most were his hands. They were gigantic. I saw no veins, no skin, no blood, but maps and events.” Not only had she no religious upbringing, Akiane had never attended a single art lesson. Yet, art critics praise her technique and insight and are amazed at her ability. She rises at 4am five days a week to pray and paint, completing about 10 works a year. She prefers acrylics but uses oils for her larger paintings.

As her visions continued, Akiane’s family slowly felt their own lives transformed. When she was just seven, she led her parents to give their lives to Jesus. “After I paint or write, I read the Bible,” she says. “I love to hear God’s voice. He is always quiet and beautiful. One day He said ‘You have to do this and I’ll help you. You can help people’. “I said, ‘Yes I will,’ but I didn’t use normal words. I speak through my mind to Him.” “One day I suggested to my family that we pray all day that God would send the right one. The day we prayed, a man came to the door. He was a carpenter, yes – a carpenter! He was looking for work. When he showed up, I nearly fainted. I told my mother that was him, I want him to be my model.”

At first, the carpenter agreed but telephoned a week later saying he had changed his mind. “He said he wasn’t worthy to represent the Master,” adds Akiane. “He was a Christian and a humble person. I prayed that God would change his mind and that he would call back. He did, saying that God had told him to pose for the painting.”

Not yet a teenager, Akiane continues to sell as quickly as she can paint. A number of her works have been auctioned for charity, raising money for homeless projects in America and AIDS orphans in Africa. She sums up her mission in one simple sentence: “I have been blessed by God and if I’m blessed, it is for one reason and one reason only, and that is to bless others.” Go to to see more of Akiane’s art work, read her poetry and find out more of her remarkable story. Source: Inspire Magazine

**Edited: 5 August 2011 @ 4:30pm** As of August 2011, Akiane born on July 1994, is now 17 years old. She was 8 years old when she first painted “Prince of Peace” and 9 years old in “Father Forgive Them.” However, I found an interview dated August 2010 that she has seemed to be caught up in fame & fortune, that she lost her faith in the CARPENTER that she painted while she was still naive and young. Seeing the interview videos & transcripts from above — she seemed to be very young & innocent.. However, in this August 2010 interview, she has matured & was deceived by other spirits.. other voices.. .. which is very very sad though.. I pray that the CARPENTER would snatch her quickly back to His loving arms.. I wish they just stick to the CARPENTER & did not fall in the ‘New Age Spirituality/Consciousness/Enlightenment’.. Please pray for her & her family.. she has been deceived in her latter years.. when she was exposed to this world.. ..but I still do believe that this CARPENTER that was painted by an innocent young eight/nine year old little girl, is still the Holy One of ISRAEL.

She no longer believes in the humble carpenter.. she believes there’s many way to God.. but JESUS of NAZARETH is the ONLY WAY to the TRUE FATHER GOD in HEAVEN.. and the ONLY NAME in which mortal flesh can inherit the FREE GIFT of IMMORTALITY through CHRIST JESUS, our LORD, GOD & SAVIOR.

A question that I have in my mind few minutes ago:
How can she be deceived & no longer knew the CARPENTER who has given this gift to her?

Understanding from the LORD: Satan is a tempter and deceiving spirits are everywhere. A person can always be snatched away by the Devil if they do not abide in the LORD. Fame. Fortune. Riches. Pride. can be very deceiving. That is why we always need to seek the LORD every day, in everything.. or else such things would enter in our lives unknowingly, because we have forsaken & forgotten to always humble ourselves & give ALL the glory to whom everything comes from.

V. Heaven is for Real
and the Man in the Turin Shroud

Heaven is for Real

A young boy emerges from life-saving surgery with remarkable stories of his visit to heaven.

Shroud of Turin Blogger’s Insight: The book is well written. It’s hard to not believe the story unless one assumes shameless co-conspirator fraud with a child. Maybe I should say that its hard to not believe the story is somewhat true. I just have too many problems with how well a young son’s memory (or imagination) fits his father’s very literalist interpretations of the Bible. Nor am I convinced about NDEs. Something seems wrong, yet I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book. But that’s not the point I want to make.

Every now and then, throughout the last half of the book, Colton is shown different pictures of Jesus and asked if they are accurate depictions of what he remembers Jesus looked like. The authors never tell us which pictures Colton looked at. (I naturally wondered if the Shroud was one of them.)  In the end Colton is shown an online picture. “Dad, that one’s right,” he exclaims. It is the Akiane portrait of Jesus.

Shroud of Turin Author/Blogger: We simply do not have enough reliable information to arrive at a scientifically rigorous conclusion. Years ago, as a skeptic of the Shroud, I came to realize that while I might believe it was a fake, I could not know so from the facts. Now, as someone who believes it is the real burial shroud of Jesus of Nazareth, I similarly realize that a leap of faith over unanswered questions is essential. My name is Dan Porter. Please email me at

The Face of Jesus Documentary Part 6 of 6

PERSONAL NOTE: No matter what you say, I’d rather believe what the still small voice in my heart says. I’d rather believe that it is He, than to believe that his face is the depiction of the catholic pagan jesus.

Faith & Love of a longing child to a Father is what runs deep through my heart and soul.
A Father & Daughter Relationship
.. can NEVER be explained by any doctrines/theologies of any man.. ..unless you have experienced on your own.. you will never understand.

I don’t care about what you say.. I am just so happy to finally see His image..
that makes me more excited to go home.

Till I See You Face to Face

The greatest love that anyone could ever know.. That overcame the cross and grave to find my soul.. And till I see You face to face and grace amazing takes me home.. I’ll trust in You With all I am I’ll live to see Your kingdom come.. And in my heart I pray You’d let Your will be done.. And till I see You face to face and grace amazing takes me home.. I’ll trust in You

I will live to love You.. I will live to bring You praise..
I will live a child in awe of You

You are a voice that called the universe to be.. You are the whisper in my heart that speaks to me.. And till I see You face to face and grace amazing takes me home.. I’ll trust in you..
You alone are God of all.. You alone are worthy Lord..
And with all I am my soul will bless Your name