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1967 Borders: False Peace

US agenda on Israel is NOT one of peace

Netahyahu: 1967 Lines Are Indefensible, Can’t Negotiate With a Government Backed by Hamas

Moments ago, following a lengthy meeting with the president, Israel’s Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu responded to President Obama’s call for Israel and Palestine to return to pre-1967 borders, saying, “While Israel is willing to make generous compromises for peace, it cannot go back to the 1967 lines because these lines are indefensible because they don’t take into account certain changes that have taken place.” Netayahu also said, “Israel cannot negotiate with a Palestinian government that is backed by Hamas.”
While Netanyahu admitted to differences with President Obama, he believes they share an overall direction and desire to work together toward a genuine peace. That is Netanyahu’s priority, as he says, “History will not give the Jewish people another chance.”

Obama sticks to stance on Middle East peace

Barack Obama has told a powerful Israeli lobby that a deal between Israelis and Palestinians should be on the basis of the 1967 borders.
Obama forcefully defends stance on ‘1967 borders’
Speaking to the most powerful pro-Israel body in the United States on Sunday, President Barack Obama laid bare his appeal for a Middle East peace deal which uses the 1967 borders as a beginning point for negotiations, saying his initial mention of those terms, which drew Israeli anger and stirred media controversy, had been misrepresented.
Obama: 1967 lines for Israel-Palestine borders
Whit Johnson reports on President Obama’s AIPAC speech that addressed peace talks between Israel and Palestine, as well as his proposal to base the borders of the two countries on the 1967 lines.

UN, EU back Obama’s Middle East peace plan

(Jewish State & Palestinian State) After a lengthy private meeting between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, little agreements were met in the push for peace in the Middle East. Whit Johnson reports.

Netanyahu “determined to work with Obama”

“Let’s massacre the Jews as we did in Hebron 1929″

Historical Truth: 1967 Palestinian State Borders

‘Israeli settlements recipe for disaster’

One of the disappointments of the Obama-Netanyahu meeting on Friday was Obama’s weak stance on the Israeli settlement growth, which is one of the crucial points on the road to peace in the region, believes Alice Rothchild, a Middle East author.

US-Israel rift deepest & Arab Spring chaos

According to writer William Engdahl, the global community is now witnessing the most significant change in US-Israeli relations since the recognition of the Israeli state. As tense talks took place at the White House, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu rejected Barack Obama’s call for peace with the Palestinians based on the country’s 1967 borders. And the US president admitted there were differences between the views.